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For X.En PWD Samba, RTI rules have no value; violates RTI act sensing trouble – Poonch Today
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For X.En PWD Samba, RTI rules have no value; violates RTI act sensing trouble


For X.En PWD Samba, RTI rules have no value; violates RTI act sensing trouble

For X.En PWD Samba, RTI rules have no value; violates RTI act sensing trouble




JAMMU: On one hand, Centre and UT governments claim that RTI act has been strengthened and fully implemented in J&K UT, but tall claims of both Union and J&K governments have proved false as an Executive Engineer PWD Samba, has violated RTI act at will fearing exposure of various frauds scripted in Samba over the years. RTI applicant approached X.En many times, but the concerned officer gave cold shoulder fearing trouble over exposure of frauds. It is pertinent to mention here that. Chief Secretary J&K UT, time and again directed all departments to follow the RTI fully and those, who violate the said act will be dealt with accordingly. The other day, Central Information Commission has asked an IAS officer of J&K, heading JMC,  to explain why an action  should not be initiated against her for violation of RTI act. If a top level IAS officer can be taken to task, then its shocking that an officer of the level of Executive Engineer, has violated the act, but still unpunished by the government. It is high time that government must take action against those officers of Samba administration, including X.En PWD, who have become regular violators of RTI act.

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