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Horrible state of  affairs in Raja Sukhdev Singh Hospital Poonch; Visit of DDC representatives exposed everything  – Poonch Today
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Horrible state of  affairs in Raja Sukhdev Singh Hospital Poonch; Visit of DDC representatives exposed everything 


Horrible state of  affairs in Raja Sukhdev Singh Hospital Poonch; Visit of DDC representatives exposed everything 

Horrible state of  affairs in Raja Sukhdev Singh Hospital Poonch; Visit of DDC representatives exposed everything


POONCH: The visit of DDC chairman Tazeem Akhter and DDC member from Loran Riyaaz Choudhary to Raja Sukhdev Singh hospital Poonch, the other day, exposed the horrible state of affairs and it shows that the tall claims of Health Department Poonch about better health care services being provided to the people are only hollow slogans.

This Health department Poonch remained a minting money machine for few people as funds in several crores were  provided under different schemes over the years, but the state of affairs of Raja Sukhdev Singh hospital shows that all is not well on the ground. “POONCH TODAY” time and again reported brazen malpractices of Health Department Poonch on various issues, but rather than setting his own house in order, Medical Superintendent, on a news published in last edition on brazen misuse of funds during COVID-19 pandemic by Health authorities wrote in various whatsapp groups  as “The news item published in Poonch Today dt 17-04-2021 regarding misuse of funds by Health Department during COVID-19 is totally baseless and false. The reporter is in the habit of publishing false news for his own interest to defame govt employees.” The statement given by Medical Superintendent on social media was showing his frustration. Shall Medical Superintendent give his comments on the visit of DDC representatives, who had shown their utter displeasure about the state of affairs in the hospital? Riyaaz Choudhary, DDC representative from loran was seen expressing his anguish against health department employees when he visited several wards and saw bad conditions of various wards. Even some employees were seen giving Riyaaz Choudhary cold shoulder when few employees on duty  were exposed from all angels by the DDC member. Even Riyaaz expressed his displeasure on media by saying that “Lot more needed to be done.” Few days ago, a top officer of district administration had developed some health problems and he was shifted to hospital for treatment, but none of the Doctors was able to detect his real medical problem and as a result, the officer decided to shift to Jammu for treatment and was successfully operated. Talking to “POONCH TODAY’, the said officer, said, “People are Poonch are very unlucky when it comes to good health services. Iss hospital ka  Khudha hi rakhwala.”  Even, due to a well planned Doctors-Medicos nexus, shop under PM Jan Aushadhi having generic medicines at low cost for poor people was not allowed to be open, but authorities are giving different reasons for not opening of Jan Aushadhi shop.  It’s a well known fact that during COVID-19 pandemic, few officials of health department Poonch looted government money and the role of CMO office, the offices of Medical Superintendent  Raja Sukhdev Singh hospital Poonch and various BMOs is still under radar of government and a proper inquiry may take place in near future once the pandemic is over. Health authorities tried their best to  hide their various inefficiencies, but the visit of DDC representatives to hospital and detecting themselves the horrible state of affairs in the hospital is an alarming sign for the people and government needs to act fast to ensure that people must get good treatment in addition of proper sanitization in various wards because few COVID-19 wards were not in good shape as detected by DDC Member Riyaaz Choudhary.

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