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Another scam! Health department officials issued 40% disability certificates to non-deserving people by violating government guidelines – Poonch Today
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Another scam! Health department officials issued 40% disability certificates to non-deserving people by violating government guidelines


Another scam! Health department officials issued 40% disability certificates to non-deserving people by violating government guidelines

Another scam! Health department officials issued 40% disability certificates to non-deserving people by violating government guidelines


POONCH: Known for massive financial scams over the years, some health department officials earlier were involved in a fake disability certificate scam, and as a result, some people who had little disability were given 40% disability certificates in exchange for hefty favors.

This scam snatched the rights of those who had more than 40% disability. On the basis of these fake certificates, some people got huge government benefits, including managing to get medical seats and other favors. Highly placed sources within the health department told “POONCH TODAY,” pleading anonymity, that some disability certificates were issued out of the way, and if the government conducts an inquiry on merit, then many such cases will come to light for those with fewer disabilities. Although there are a large number of nexus operating in the health department, this exposure to fake disability certificate fraud shows that some health department officials, under the tenure of successive CMOs and Medical Superintendents, issued such certificates, thereby playing heavily with the government guidelines. There are reports that a former CMO also misused the official position by avoiding taking action against reports of the distribution of fake disability certificates. Some people, on the basis of fake disability certificates, got selected for a professional course, but after an inquiry was conducted, it was found that the certificates were found to be fake as the candidates had fewer disabilities. It shows that a high-level nexus was operating in the health department. On the one hand, the health care facilities are not up to par, but on the other hand, some officials have made a mockery of the system and are involved in multiple scams. The exposure of this scam shows that some health department officials can go to any extent for monetary purposes. A high-level inquiry is needed from the government to find out the names of those CMOs, medical superintendents, and other officials who were part and parcel of this fake disability certificate scam by giving undue benefits to some influential persons who had less disability and thereby managed to get benefits from the various government schemes meant for real-life affected people with more than 40% disability.


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