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Silence of the government on the Thanamandi Municipality backdoor recruitment scam is questionable; Tainted official given plum posting – Poonch Today
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Silence of the government on the Thanamandi Municipality backdoor recruitment scam is questionable; Tainted official given plum posting


Silence of the government on the Thanamandi Municipality backdoor recruitment scam is questionable; Tainted official given plum posting

Silence of the government on the Thanamandi Municipality backdoor recruitment scam is questionable; Tainted official given plum posting


RAJOURI: The issue of the adjustment of their nears and dears in Thanamandi Municipality by successive Executive Officers over the years and subsequent no action from the government shows that officers from top to bottom are involved in various scams scripted in the said municipality. In addition to adjusting their blue-eyed persons on the posts meant for Safai Karamcharis, the successive Executive Officers also scripted multiple financial scams in the Thanamandi Municipality. It is important to mention here that many employees were adjusted out of the way in Thanamandi municipality, but when the government gave directions for the regularization of temporary employees, a few executive officers wasted no opportunity and played a big role in the regularization of some people who were their blood relatives. This open fraud was scripted in Thanamandi Municipality, and those executive officers who were involved in this fraud were never taken to task by the government. The matter also came to the notice of district administration Rajouri, and accordingly, a committee was constituted to verify the allegations. When the committee submitted its report, it was found that massive embezzlement of funds took place in the said municipality, and some employees were also regularized out of the way by some executive officers. The district administration of Rajouri sent the report to Director Urban Local Bodies Jammu a few months ago for further action, but even after months, no action has yet been taken by the Director against the tainted Executive Officers; some of them have retired now, and one of them has been posted as Executive Officer, Poonch Municipality. Those employees who were regularized out of the way on the posts meant for Safai Karamcharis were also not taken to task. Sources said that under various schemes, the successive E.Os embezzled huge amounts with the involvement of some other top officials of Thanamandi Municipality. Reports available with “POONCH TODAY” show that many such employees were recruited on an adhoc basis by successive Executive Officers over the years. Even the elected members of Thanamandi Municipality never spoke on the issue, and it shows that they all were hand in glove to protect their officials, who were adjusted out of the way. Director Urban Local Bodies, who is fully aware of the whole episode, has maintained a questionable silence on the issue, and his silence shows that the ULB Jammu has legalized all illegal acts of successive Executive Officers. Although the issue is highly sensitive, deliberately ignoring it by the Director of ULB, Jammu is a clear indication that he too has accepted that a massive fraud was executed during the regularization of blue-eyed officials by some executive officers in addition to their involvement in multiple financial scams. Will the government take some steps to bring the culprits of this backdoor recruitment fraud in Thanamandi Municipality to justice?


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