CMO Poonch fails to control several nexuses in the health department; Open frauds in health blocks, Medical superintendent’s in slumber
POONCH: Fraud after fraud has become a routine in the health department Poonch, right from the office of CMO Poonch to the office of Medical Superintendents of Raja Sukhdev Singh Hospital and at block level. Doctors prefer private practice as a result; it’s the common man that suffers a lot.

Some patients get dates for various operations, but the same are conducted in a private hospital on priority after charging hefty amounts. One of the nexuses of doctors has flourished by all means, and that is to force patients from Raja Sukhdev Singh Hospital and other block hospitals to a private hospital. A former CMO also gave full patronage to the said private hospital, and if sources are to be believed, this nexus operates silently and has earned huge money in a short time. The share also reaches the top officers of the health department on time so that they continue to send patients to the same private hospital. On the one hand, the government claims to have strengthened health care infrastructure at Poonch, but the big nexus of the CMO office, medical superintendents, doctors, private hospital, private medical shops, and various touts within and outside the department have given a big jolt to the efforts of the government. Touts also forced patients to visit private medical shops to buy medicines, and in return, doctors and other important chairs used to get huge commissions. However, to befool the government and common man, the authorities of the health department Poonch have some paid sycophants who used to praise CMO Poonch and Medical Superintends in front of you tube walas. Moreover, in the Rogi Kalyan Samiti, all the sycophants of Poonch are its members who don’t know the a, b, and c of the medical field. Some tainted officials in the Raja Sukhdev Singh hospital have been involved in brazen financial frauds over the years, but they were not taken to task by the government. They remained the main architects of various financial scams. A former medical superintendent and a former CMO also looted funds in the name of COVID facilities. A massive setback was given to the government exchequer by some medical superintendents, CMOs, and other tainted staff members. Even in SDH Mandi, SDH Surankote, and SDH Mendhar, a few massive financial frauds under various NHM schemes were scripted for years by medical superintendents and tainted staff members, and the same practice is still operational. Due to the poor attitude of the CMO office and medical superintendents, various types of nexus have been flourishing day in and day out, and it’s the common man who suffers a lot. Top officials of the health department, Poonch, have become liabilities in the department. The CMO office never took action against various nexuses operating in the hospital, a reason best known to those sitting at the top. Medical Superintendent Raja Sukhdev Singh Hospital is also sailing in the same boat and depends on the hollow praise of a few sycophants in the department and so-called civil society members. A high-level inquiry into massive financial frauds in the Poonch health department, even at block level, is a dire necessity to bring to justice those who murdered government exchequers for their own interests. Moreover, strong efforts from the government are also required to discourage the private practice of doctors and the illegal practice of shifting patients to a private hospital, as the illegal nexus, which has flourished by all means, needs to be discouraged in the interest of better health care facilities for the common man at district and block-level hospitals.