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Is ‘Strong link’ important for a good posting in J&K police or a meritorious performance only? Performance oriented officers deserve reward – Poonch Today
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Is ‘Strong link’ important for a good posting in J&K police or a meritorious performance only? Performance oriented officers deserve reward


Is ‘Strong link’ important for a good posting in J&K police or a meritorious performance only? Performance oriented officers deserve reward

Is ‘Strong link’ important for a good posting in J&K police or a meritorious performance only? Performance oriented officers deserve reward



POONCH: On one hand, J&K police have played an important role in bringing peace to Jammu and Kashmir and earned a huge reputation as the country’s elite force, but on the other hand, posting of officers on important places always remained under question mark, due to one or other reason.

During the last more than one year, many meritorious officers were not rewarded for their brilliant performance on a particular posting and those officers who were proved as incompetent officers, but were having strong links, were given important postings. Even meritorious Inspectors in few districts of Jammu division were ignored and those having strong links, politically or among top brass of police department were adjusted as SHOs on powerful postings, even in Jammu, Kathua and Samba districts. Similarly, the majority of meritorious Dy.SPs, SPs and SSPs level officers were not given challenging and important postings. “POONCH TODAY” already reported few months back that a few police officers, who enjoyed important postings during NC, Congress and PDP regimes, were giving wrong feedback to government about some SSPs and were projecting them as weak officers to handle sensitive districts and even, presented themselves as a better option for a SSP postings, this time failed to get what they wanted. No doubt, few high performance oriented officers were adjusted on important postings, but the majority of police officers who were considered as weak in police circles have been given important postings. Even a sensitive district, reportedly was given to a contemptible police officer on the basis of political and administrative pressure, said sources in police top brass. Although placing meritorious police officers on appropriate postings is always a tough task for top brass of police, completely ignoring performance oriented officers due to whatever reasons is not a healthy sign for efficient police officers who have proved their mettle time and again. Raising the morale of good officers is necessary for the country’s elite force.    An impression has gained momentum among the public that only those having strong links in police or among top political leaders can find a good posting and not alone meritorious performance.  Weak officers are becoming sturdy by getting good postings, while strong officers are becoming weak after getting insignificant postings and this unfortunate culture needs to be thrown out as far as ensuring better professionalism, efficiency and productivity among police officers is concerned. Meritorious and performance orientated officers, whether they are Inspectors, Dy.SPs, SPs or SSPs, must be rewarded well during their subsequent postings to raise the morale of every single official of J&K police.


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