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No inquiry ordered on frauds reported in the NHM Directorate Jammu; Former MD misused his position ruthlessly – Poonch Today
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No inquiry ordered on frauds reported in the NHM Directorate Jammu; Former MD misused his position ruthlessly


No inquiry ordered on frauds reported in the NHM Directorate Jammu; Former MD misused his position ruthlessly

No inquiry ordered on frauds reported in the NHM Directorate Jammu; Former MD misused his position ruthlessly


JAMMU:  For improving quality health services in the country, the government of India launched NHM, but the purpose for which the said institution was set up was not met, particularly in the NHM directorate, Jammu where some top officers, including a former MD, misused their positions and gave undue benefits to some companies. As no question marks were raised on his foul plays, he was later posted as DM of an important district.

Sources close to “POONCH TODAY” in the NHM directorate Jammu said that a few top officers were involved in scripting big financial scams for years. The former MD, who was later posted as DM, was involved in earning heavily by running a transfer industry. For every transfer that depended on the post, he used to charge different rates. A few employees holding important positions in the directorate remained the brainchild of multiple financial scams under various schemes. Transfer of a contractual employee is not possible in NHM, but with the influence of top officers in the NHM directorate, many NHM employees were transferred to their chosen postings in an open violation of the rules. Top NHM officials had direct links with some CMOs and medical superintendents, as funds under various NHM schemes were utilized on the paper. A former CMO once withdrew several lacs by showing big works on the paper with the help of some subordinates. Moreover, the state of affairs at the NHM directorate has gone from bad to worse as those employees who were selected for a particular purpose are seen doing other jobs. Some NHM employees also remained associated with non-government activities during working hours, and it clearly shows that rules are being violated openly.  On paper, some NHM employees were transferred to other places, but on the ground, they remained at their parent postings, thereby throwing dust in the eyes of the government. Many private firms used to get maximum work, and it raises a big question mark about the workings of the MD NHM. Earning money by all means remained on the top agenda of those NHM employees in the NHM directorate who are holding important postings. A few companies whose main responsibility is to provide health care services to the people of far-flung areas used to get their bills cleared by showing their performance on paper. In return, those sitting at the NHM directorate in Jammu, after getting commission, pass the bills in favor of such companies. There were also reports that an influential FACO, hitting big shots, has been working in the said directorate for nearly five years, and this also remained a big question mark in the office of MD NHM. There is a big scam in the purchases of items and medicines, as the majority of such activities were initiated without the proper procedure of purchase committee members. There are also reports that some MDs in the past were involved in violations of various rules; as a result, a huge blow was given to the government’s exchequer. Highly placed sources in the NHM directorate told “POONCH TODAY” that in the said directorate, a big nexus is operating that is still unbreakable, and the output of this nexus runs in crores. On the one hand, the NHM directorate has become a hub of brazen corruption, but on the other hand, no inquiry was ever initiated by the government. Those MDs who misused their chairs in the past and earned heavily through running the transfer industry and getting heavy commissions through various schemes and companies need to be taken to task as they were involved in the misuse of taxpayer money. Will the government look into the issue in the public interest? Only time will tell.


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