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Thanks to the administration, “Chamchagiri” is a must to become a so-called prominent citizen; Security forces too follow administration; fake media is a big concern – Poonch Today
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Thanks to the administration, “Chamchagiri” is a must to become a so-called prominent citizen; Security forces too follow administration; fake media is a big concern


Thanks to the administration, “Chamchagiri” is a must to become a so-called prominent citizen; Security forces too follow administration; fake media is a big concern

Thanks to the administration, “Chamchagiri” is a must to become a so-called prominent citizen; Security forces too follow administration; fake media is a big concern


POONCH: A debate is going on at various places of the Poonch city in which people were seen discussing the ever-flourishing “Chamchagiri” culture, in which some people, including some doubtful credential ones, tactfully managed to secure their names in the so-called prominent citizens list of the administration.

In a clever and tactful move, top bosses of the administration are seen inviting only those people during the visits of top official UT dignitaries who only project the administration in a good way. A number of loopholes and other illegal acts of administration were never brought to the notice of the visiting dignitaries for years, and those who had the courage to call a spade a spade during official meetings were never called by the administration again in any meeting. It’s a clear indication that the administration has established a benchmark to become a so-called civil society member, and that is that one should have the essential quality of a “Chamchagiri” trait. Even some government employees are seen in these meetings by showing themselves as self-styled social workers, which raises a big question mark for the administration. These “Sycophants” for years never discussed the problems of common man, national interest issues, or important issues of the day-to-day lives of the public, but managed to include their names in the civil society list to have good relations with the administration and secure their personal interests. Although some people are real prominent citizens who have contributed a lot for the nation, their percentage is low, and a large number of people who have no backing and no public contributions were added to the list by the administration. There are a number of intellectual and nationalist people in the town who have carved a niche for themselves in various fields of society, but they were never included in the list because the administration doesn’t want whistleblowers and brilliant minds. All it wanted was the presence of sycophants to project the top officers of the administration in a positive way before the visiting dignitaries. These “Sycophants,” who are also called “Guldasta Gang” members, always give preference to their own interests. In fact, many of them were also provided SPOs by the police. There are a number of proofs lying with the “POONCH TODAY” newspaper, which clearly shows that a huge chunk of so-called prominent citizens, social workers, NGO walas, fake media men, and self-styled intellectuals are dubious in character and known for playing double roles, even against the security establishments, but they always get the attention of the administration, police, and army because of their expertise in “Chamchagiri” culture. These traditional sycophants, having no contribution towards public concern or national interest, were unfortunately included in the list of prominent citizens by the administration. A few people in the DC office played a silent and tactful role in including these people in the list of civil society members, and those people who are real civil society members in the Poonch district were never called by the administration. Even police and army establishments follow the pattern set by the civil administration, and as a result, compromise with internal security concerns cannot be ruled out. A number of people with questionable credentials from the past and their present tactful acts against the national interest are seen managing their links with the army and police by projecting themselves as big social workers, thinkers, media men, and self-styled intellectuals by showing army officers a blue moon, and with their shrewd tactics, they managed to get vital information in addition to getting their various types of self-interests, including business ones, fulfilled. Some people were also seen passing important information to their political bosses, thereby playing a double role with the army for their own interests by taking advantage of the important fourth domain. For years, these sychophants, including some self-styled sports promoters with their doubtful credentials, by forming strong links within the army and using their shrewd tactics of misleading the officers, managed to get a number of monetary and other benefits, including benefits under Operation Sadbhavana projects. Crores of rupees were misused on the unplanned Operation Sadbhavana projects, and these opportunist people took undue benefits by fooling the army officers.  In fact, these people misled the army, police, and civil administration on many issues. It is usually seen that some “sycophants” have also infiltrated the media field and taken undue benefit from forming links with the top officers of civil administration, police, and army by running fake YouTube and Facebook news pages and presenting themselves as media men, which is cause for concern from an internal security point of view. The emergence of fake mediamen everywhere has also become a big internal security concern that needs the attention of the government. A few months ago, a self-styled social media man in Rajouri and another one in the valley were found out to be terrorists. In the public and national interest, such people need not be encouraged by the administration, police, and army; rather, efforts must be made to identify real prominent citizens and nationalist people of the area and not these “sycophants” and self-styled media men who have questionable credentials, say people with hawk eyes on everything. The internal security of the nation is of utmost importance, and accordingly, efforts should be made by the army, police, and civil administration to identify real prominent people in the district and not dubious ones.


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